20/20 + 1 Revealed

Hope you had a peaceful and celebratory start to this new year. As I’ve been mentioning I’m celebrating the year becoming: 20/20 + 1.  As promised yesterday, today is the revelation as to why I’m referring to it this way.

No it’s not trying to be cute or attention seeking, though if you find it cute and it brings some attention my way, I won’t be upset. If you’re thinking it’s some kind of bizarre mathematical equation, well you’re just overthinking it. 

It’s far more metaphorical. 

Photo by Cindy Gustafson on Pexels.com

As I discussed yesterday we have all experienced a hitting of the reset button in the past calendar year. No longer wanting to dwell on 2020, it did change our entire way of life. 

So in my thoughts that makes it a landmark, a milestone, a point of demarcation. Now that we understand that things are no longer how they once were, we can more easily accept that  how we need to prepare, what we can expect, and even how we anticipate the next changes beyond the next corner are becoming to us from a new point, perspective and even view of life.

So with that in mind, let’s break it down. 20/20 yes is a reference to 2020, but it is intentionally being viewed through new lenses. Our vision corrected and hopefully improved to that perfect eyesight of 20/20 vision. 

So that improvement, combined with the wisdom of hindsight, we are able to clearly see what did and didn’t work for us in the past. What we need to fully release. What we miss, cherish, desire to recreate and improve upon. 

What a gift! 

The reset button is restoring our sight, allowing us to see more clearly, to refocus our vision and intentions, and look off beyond the horizon to where our goals, dreams and destinies lay. 

Obviously the plus sign (+), means in addition to. So I’m taking 2020, viewing it through perfect vision intended for revision and seeing it as 20/20 plus. Plus what? Well immediately it’s plus one (1). We have already, with the mere flip of a calendar page, advanced beyond 2020 and are becoming one more. 

One more what? Hopefully one more wiser, one more mature, one more grateful. One more hopeful. One more abundant. One more victorious. And for the less idealistic, yes one more year older, one more year experienced, one more year beyond what was.

20/20 + 1. The year beyond the reset button. The year you choose to make it. The year of becoming. 

Becoming what? That’s what we are here to explore. Who is it I want to become? What do I want to see becoming?  Where is this “becoming” taking place? Is it a physical location? In my mind? Our minds? My heart? Our collective hearts? Is it a raising of a collective consciousness, or am I  further striving to be the best mature, strong empowered God fearing woman of Christ I can be?

These are all questions in play for each of us. Ultimately “becoming” will take a decision for action on our parts. Putting our thoughts in motion to become better, stronger, healthier, more loving, more balanced, better grounded, standing stronger in our convictions, beliefs and dreams.

20/20 + 1 has unlimited potential and offers us unprecedented opportunities for fine tuning and or reinventing ourselves. It has improved my vision for the future, focused my heart and given clarity to new horizons ahead. I pray it is lifting your spirits and revitalizing your sight for life and the future too.

No, I do not want to go back to the way things used to be. I’m not seeking a return to “normal”. What is normal anyway, and who thinks they can define it for me? I want better. I want “becoming”.

I want that state of “becoming”, to be something that is always evolving. Always advancing. Always allowing me to be becoming my destiny. 

I want my new way of living to be one of giving, shaing, caring, being, seeing, believing, becoming grateful, delivered, hopeful, faithful and abundant.

I am believing for 20/20 + 1 to be not only the best year of my life yet, but am praying for you to achieve the same. In the coming days, weeks and months we’ll continue to revisit these concepts of what exactly it is I, we and us are “Becoming Today”.  How we can support each other in these advancements and realizations plus how we can share this improved vision with all those we live with, adjacent to, near by as well as those we have not yet met.

So again I’ll invite you to actively or passively get involved. Take action in your thoughts to motivate your progress. Impress it in your spirit. Not quite ready yet? Well keep coming back for the encouragement you may need. 

So let’s commit to “Becoming Today”, together. Throughout 20/20 + 1, I’ll be posting conversations six days a week, Monday through Saturday, so that we may share, learn and assist one another.  I welcome your comments below or emails from the Contact page.

Now I don’t know if others will adopt my new phrasing of this year, but I suppose ultimately we’ll have to see if the bankers will accept it,  when I start dating my checks that way.